Buffalo Bore Ammunition Barnes TAC-XP Standard Pressure 40 S&W 125Gr Handgun Ammo – 20 Rounds


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SKU: 8600103739799907540 Category:

Buffalo Bore Ammunition 23D20 Barnes TAC-XP Standard Pressure 40 Smith & Wesson 125Gr Handgun Ammo – 20 Rounds – This is a high-performance Standard Pressure 40 S&W loading, which means it is safe to fire in all 40 S&W firearms that are in normal operating condition. The lightweight all copper Barnes bullet will mushroom readily. The JHP-style bullet, while generating the low recoil and fast velocities of a lightweight projectile. This aids in fast/accurate follow-up shots. It utilizes a flash-suppressed powder, which gives the shooter an important tactical advantage as most shootings in the US occur in low light when the criminal element is most active. Firing to save your life in the dark is likely if you find yourself forced to fire. Blinding yourself with your own gunfire, after the first shot, leaves you very vulnerable.


Buffalo Bore

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