Custom 32 Acp Ammo – 32 Auto 60gr Jacketed Hollow Point 25/Box


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SKU: 8217527798785387943 Category:

Hornady produces most of its own brass for their Custom(TM) line of handgun ammunition, and that brass is made or chosen for reliable feeding, corrosion resistance, proper hardness, and the ability to withstand maximum chamber pressures. Powders are matched with each load to ensure optimal pressure, velocity, volume, and lot to lot consistency. Primers are chosen to match each powder and load, and to quickly and reliably ignite the powder charge. With XTPA(R), FMJ, or the new FTXA(R) (Flex Tip eXpanding) bullets, Hornady Custom handgun ammunition is hard-hitting, accurate and proven. Mfg: Hornady



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